Thoughts from Lynne
Looking at the electronic board this week on my way to another great day of sliding bliss, I saw that there have been over 1600 incidents to date that needed ski patrol rescue. As experienced sliders, we know the new equipment has put us in charge of gravity, turning further not harder. We round our turns gracefully, relaxed, efficient and balanced – always in control.
When sliding with our friends and they need to stop, we make sure to stop well below them, not above. The first and last turns are the most difficult so if we experience trouble finishing a turn, we don’t finish it on our friends, we simply do a gravity check downhill. We have seen that stopping above the group with a hockey stop can easily end in tears.
Our close-knit group of Flaine sliders have stellar resort manners. As very considerate sliders, we don’t use people as slalom poles, we always give others plenty of space when passing. We are never impatient when sliding on narrow slopes. We slide to the side and take a moment to look at the vistas that surround us helping us feel more upbeat and hopeful. We see others pushing ahead in line and our response is always, “Sorry, you go first.”
Let’s make the great days better by providing everyone, not just ourselves, an elegant mountain experience that we will enjoy for a lifetime. We realize nothing is going to hold back the “born-to-be-wild” generation. There is a beauty in being able to experience our athletic career over decades. What’s the rush, our dirt nap will come soon enough.
March 2022
Looking at the electronic board this week on my way to another great day of sliding bliss, I saw that there have been over 1600 incidents to date that needed ski patrol rescue. As experienced sliders, we know the new equipment has put us in charge of gravity, turning further not harder. We round our turns gracefully, relaxed, efficient and balanced – always in control.
When sliding with our friends and they need to stop, we make sure to stop well below them, not above. The first and last turns are the most difficult so if we experience trouble finishing a turn, we don’t finish it on our friends, we simply do a gravity check downhill. We have seen that stopping above the group with a hockey stop can easily end in tears.
Our close-knit group of Flaine sliders have stellar resort manners. As very considerate sliders, we don’t use people as slalom poles, we always give others plenty of space when passing. We are never impatient when sliding on narrow slopes. We slide to the side and take a moment to look at the vistas that surround us helping us feel more upbeat and hopeful. We see others pushing ahead in line and our response is always, “Sorry, you go first.”
Let’s make the great days better by providing everyone, not just ourselves, an elegant mountain experience that we will enjoy for a lifetime. We realize nothing is going to hold back the “born-to-be-wild” generation. There is a beauty in being able to experience our athletic career over decades. What’s the rush, our dirt nap will come soon enough.
March 2022
Supercarving or hypercarving is very exciting and challenging. It not only looks amazing, but is a real pose. It’s about leaving narrow lines on the fresh corduroy. These lines are made by the edged skis arcing forward in a very shallow arc, accelerating all the while.
Supercarving requires an extreme Crossover, giving you strongly edged skis. The lines left in the snow belong to the skis, not you. When the skis are whacked up on the edges, it is virtually impossible to quickly twist or guide them in another direction. It doesn’t matter how good you are and if you are skiing well within your limit. If you are skiing at high speed close to others, it is both foolish and damn rude – bad “juju.”
Flaine has been experiencing 25+ collisions each Saturday and Sunday which require medical care. It’s easy to ruin another skier’s experience by giving them the impression that they barely escaped a collision. As the French say, “toute neige, tout terrain.” Expert skiers are generalists, not specialists. Expert skiing is a dance. Ski technique is about turning. Turning is the most effective form of speed control. Slow down and enjoy the ride. Put yourself -- not gravity -- in charge.
March 2022
Supercarving or hypercarving is very exciting and challenging. It not only looks amazing, but is a real pose. It’s about leaving narrow lines on the fresh corduroy. These lines are made by the edged skis arcing forward in a very shallow arc, accelerating all the while.
Supercarving requires an extreme Crossover, giving you strongly edged skis. The lines left in the snow belong to the skis, not you. When the skis are whacked up on the edges, it is virtually impossible to quickly twist or guide them in another direction. It doesn’t matter how good you are and if you are skiing well within your limit. If you are skiing at high speed close to others, it is both foolish and damn rude – bad “juju.”
Flaine has been experiencing 25+ collisions each Saturday and Sunday which require medical care. It’s easy to ruin another skier’s experience by giving them the impression that they barely escaped a collision. As the French say, “toute neige, tout terrain.” Expert skiers are generalists, not specialists. Expert skiing is a dance. Ski technique is about turning. Turning is the most effective form of speed control. Slow down and enjoy the ride. Put yourself -- not gravity -- in charge.
March 2022